How to Beat The Internet Web Masters and Millionaires
Let's see if I've got this right on how to beat the web's top producers in 22 hours or less. 1) Have your entire web site in a single folder on your computer. 2) create a folder called All My Web Sites 3) Inside that folder, create fifty numbered folders. Name them by number to 50. (If you can't find any one of HUNDREDS of free or paid or shareware programs such as doorway page generators to create a wide variety of metatag combinations, you're an idiot, and you should open a text file, make a long list of your keywords and keyphrases, one per line and save it as a text doc (.txt). Manually take one line at a time and move it to a different line. After you scramble a dozen of them, save it as 2.txt. Leaving it open, scramble again and then save it as 3.txt. Leave the file open, scramble another dozen lines and save it as 4.txt. Now you have four different metatag files that the search engines require to list you. IF YOU HAVE YOUR OWN DOT COM, MAKE SURE THAT ALL OF YOUR LINKS ARE ABSOLUTE LINKS. This is vital beyond description; we'll skip the explanation in favor of sticking to this super effective method. 5) copy the contents of your website, taking it from the folder you named All my web sites, and then copy the files, all of them, into each and every one of the other folders that you created underneath the folder called All My Web Sites. You should now have fifty different copies of your website, right? Great. Get ready, because this is incredible and awesome, and is guaranteed to place you at the top of at least eighty percent of all the search engines that you are going to be submitting to. If you doubt that any of this works, please go to any an just about every major and minor search engine on the internet in the top 200. Type masters and millionaires, or shortcuts of masters or success shortcuts of millionaires. (In truth, you don't even need to bother with three-letter words: the search engine ignores most of them). In at least eighty percent of the top two hundred search engines, you will find masters and millionaires websites in the top ten. No, we do not claim to have a top ten rating in eighty percent of these search engines. WE are specifically stating that, as of this writing, you will find that MOST OF THE TOP TEN listings are Masters and Millionaires web sites. If you knew better, you'd do better. Close your mouth and open your eyes. III) Sign up for two email accounts at any free email service. They will be used just for this method. IV) Go to any top search engine on the internet. Type "free web space ftp" or "free web hosts. V) Remember those fifty different copies of your web site that you created on your computer? Great. By now you should know how to copy and paste from several open files. Whether you do ten at a time or fifty, open up all of the web pages for your site, and change only the metatags at the top. IF you're a fast worker, invest a minute or two on each page making just a one-paragraph move, or changing the first sentence. Effectively speaking, you are creating fifty completely separate web sites, all fifty of which will be submitted to the search engines, all fifty of which will lead with absolute hotlinks back to your own dot com or favorite free web host. Speaking for Masters and Millionaires, the decision was made to create not merely fifty, rather, three hundred separate websites. We use over a thousand gorgeous backgrounds and images, we change background colors or types of links, and make other modest changes. As of yesterday evening, we had 485 different web sites, plus 215 redirect addresses, such as , etc. 39000 webpages, more than one million and one hundred ten thousand hotlinks..... all leading back to each other. That's how we beat all the masters.... without spending a dime. Took me personally, 17 nonstop hours of work last Thursday to do this with fifty additional sites. Expect them to show up in the search engines in the next few days/weeks. What's ironically funny is that, for our key words and keyphrases, it's unlikely that more than a few of them will end up in the top fifty.... because we already have most of the top fifty listings in each category on eighty percent of all the top 200 search engines. Whatever it is that you want in life, from perfect chocolate ice cream to the ultimate date or a pile of money or an Academy Award, close your mouth and open your ears and eyes. You must remember why you have two ears and only one mouth; two eyes and only one mouth. You are intended and directed to use them(EACH!!!!!) twice as much. Whatever it is you want, no matter what field or interest of human life, if you are interested, more, if you have a deep need to do it, be it, have it, or experience it at world-class level, you have two and only two choices. 1) You can use trial and error, the oldest method on earth. Observe what works, what doesn't work, then make the appropriate corrections along the way. As long as you are following the only two vital rules of life - making even one tenth of one percent's worth of improvement each time. and -- making sure that there IS a next time. Amended repetition is the definition of skill. Or 2) Identify at least 10 to 100 people doing it at world class already. Mimic their actual words and actions. In both cases you are guaranteed success, faster, stronger and deeper, than by any other methods discovered or developed by Womankind or Mankind these past 58 centuries. Hopefully, it doesn't require a degree in calculus or physics to understand that both of these methods are strong and certain, and that one of them is faster than the other. No other point is submitted for discussion here: one of them is distinctly faster than the other. Even the act of duplicating the words and specific motions of world-class practitioners and performers is decided by one of these same two methods: 1) Find fifty or a hundred expert practitioners and performers, 2) Find someone or some organization who already has found a hundred (or more) individuals at the world-class level. That's it. Two choices. Either use one of them, or continue to be mediocre. You want to play funny word games, you could say there's a third choice: mix and match the two of these omnipotent techniques. See it! Write it! Ask for it!   Masters & Millionaires HotClick Make This Your Homepage GW Bush Shame Contact |
This is, by far, the largest personal website on earth, with 71,000 different web pages - - just because I believe in your potential, to use shortcuts, succeed at accelerated rates... ... and then go feed some hungrier people. These high-powered shortcuts work quickly. � EasyStreet, USA All rights reserved for those who feed the hungriest of us all. |